Theatre In Education
07 March 2025
Nandikar Kolkata


Initiated in 1989, still running. The main aim as they present it in “Nandikar Profile” is to let the school children know their milieu and perceive their world through theatre, to initiate their analysis of his milieu, to sharpen the interface between the “I and the World” and help them assume the role of world-changers. As part of the project there have been arranged training for 250 teachers from 80 schools in West-Bengal, short-term workshops at 96 schools and longer-term workshops at 32 schools resulting in stage performances. Nandikar has also documented their TIE-project, made video modules and published a book on theatre games (Sengupta 2000) and a collection of plays for children (Nandikar 2000). One of these projects is “Journey into Theatre”, the annual workshop Nandikar organizes with the Dramatics Cell, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta.

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