ফের নাট্য পরিচালনায় রুদ্রপ্রসাদ সেনগুপ্ত, মহড়ায় হাজির ২৪ ঘণ্টা
25 March 2025
Nandikar Kolkata

Nandikar’s next presentation
Brecht and Rudraprasad together. Again!

Phone booking: 8697266143/9051487342 (12 noon – 4pm)
Counter: 1pm-7pm
Net booking:
11th February, 6:30pm, Girish Mancha (Premiere): https://in.explara.com/e/btk0211
13th February, 6:30pm, Academy: https://in.explara.com/e/btk0213

Playwright: Bertolt Brecht
Translator and Director: Rudraprasad Sengupta
Associate Director: Sohini Sengupta
Acting: Sumanta Ganguly, Saptarshi, Ayon, Somesh, Arghya and others


Important Notifications